Altavia’s Baronial Officers
Baron Griffith Von Bremen
Baroness Amabel Radleigh
Court: The Baron and Baroness have a court – a group of people to help them prepare for events, set up at the event, and make sure that they have the things they need during the day. The Chief Lady/Lord/Armiger-in-Waiting is responsible for organizing the activities of the members of the court and ensuring that there are people to attend their Excellencies at the events they will be attending.
Chief Lord in Waiting
THL Merlin Wynn
Guard: The Baron and Baroness have a guard – a group of people to protect them from danger and to help them set up at the event.
Captain of the Guard
Lady Caterina Sanzio
The Captain of the Guard is responsible for organizing the activities of the members of the guard and ensuring that there are people to guard their Excellencies at the events they will be attending.
Baroness Tezar of Aeolis
The Seneschal is in charge of the day-to-day business of keeping the barony going.
Council (Business) meeting information
Deputy Seneschal
Captain of the Archers
THL Merlin Wynn
The Captain of Archers organizes practices and archery-related activities. He maintains and transports the baronial archery equipment.
Arts & Sciences Officer
Lady Marianna Lightwood
Arts and Sciences are just what they sound like. The line between what is an “art” and what is a “science” is often blurred, hence one person organizes workshops in both areas, and helps people find others to help them in specific areas of interest.
A&S (aka Craft Night) information
Chatelaine (Newcomers officer)
Cirstene Fojtik
The Chatelaine is the person who helps Newcomers. If you are newly joining the SCA, or just visiting an event because the pavilions caught your eye as you drove past the park, this is the person who will answer your questions. And if they can’t, they’ll help you find someone who can. Write here for help and information.
Children’s Minister
Cecilia Medici
The Children’s Officer works with the children and Youth of the Barony. Activities are usually provided for a short time at every event that the Barony hosts
Dame Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios
The Chronicler is responsible for the publications of the group. The Barony of Altavia issues a free newsletter called “Fret Knot” four times per year, which is distributed via our FaceBook group. Please contact the chronicler for directions on submissions.
Cirstene Fojtik
The Constable is responsible for Lost and Found items, and helps with any crowd control and area perimeter management issues.
THL Elle Wynn of Essex
Exchequer is in charge of the monies raised by the group. This can be money people pay to attend events or money donated by the good of one’s heart. He is responsible for paying money out to cover the legitimate expenses of the group (such as paying for the site to have an event at).
THL Damien von Baden (Sable Fret Cornet)
The Heralds make announcements at court, introduces fights on the field, and helps you develop a name and device. In the SCA, we use names that could have existed in Medieval or Renaissance times and create devices that can be used to identify us by picture, much like a coat of arms.
Court Herald
Dame Briana MacCabe
List Officer
THL Matlens Litovka
The Lists Officer is the person who organizes the individual fights during the course of a tourney by determining who fights whom and tracking the winners and losers of each bout.
Baronial Marshal
Master Nikolaos Phaistos
The Marshal is in charge of running fighting activities at events. Often they will also run a practice so that people can fight on a regular basis somewhere close to home. If she/he doesn’t run a practice, she/he will know who does and where to find it. She/He may not participate in all forms of fighting recognized in the SCA, but if you want to learn something she/he is not familiar with, she/he can help you find someone who is. Fighting in the SCA falls into 4 major categories: Armored combat (using rattan swords, armour and shields), Rapier (fencing), Archery / Thrown Weapons, and Equestrian.
Armored Combat Marshal
Baron Griffith Von Bremen
The Marshal is in charge of running fighting activities at events. Often they will also run a practice so that people can fight on a regular basis somewhere close to home. If she/he doesn’t run a practice, she/he will know who does and where to find it. She/He may not participate in all forms of fighting recognized in the SCA, but if you want to learn something she/he is not familiar with, she/he can help you find someone who is. Fighting in the SCA falls into 4 major categories: Armored combat (using rattan swords, armour and shields), Rapier (fencing), Archery / Thrown Weapons, and Equestrian.
Equestrian Marshal
THL Guene Annwyll
Rapier Marshal
Giacchino Morone Lococo di San Filippo
Thrown Weapons Marshal
Christofanus Castellani
Youth Combat Marshal
Cecilia Medici
This Sword-play game for children is run at Altavian events and Practices.See the Kingdom of Caid Boffer website for rules. Youth combat practice information
Social Media Officer
Dame Briana MacCabe
The Office of Social Media encourages the enthusiastic but responsible use of social media on a variety of platforms to support the goals of the Society and introduce the Current Middle Ages to new audiences who might like to participate with us.
THL Merlin Wynn
The webwright is the officer who oversees the the official Altavia website, and social media presence. If you have any questions, comments or ideas, please feel free to contact me.