
Council Meeting * Newcomers’ Meeting * Fighter Practice / Social Night

Arts & Science Workshops * Bardic Circle * Culinary Guild * Dance Practice * Youth Activities

Fighter Practice / Social Night * Archery Practice * Armored Combat Practice * Equestrian Practice * Rapier Practice * Thrown Weapons Practice * Unarmored Combat Practice * Youth Combat Practice

Council Meeting

Date – 2nd Tuesday of the month
Time – 7:00pm
Location – Held on Zoom with the link provided prior to the meeting on the
Altavia Facebook group*

This is the monthly Baronial business meeting. The meeting consists of officer reports, event reports, discussion of Baronial involvement at the Kingdom Level, new officers discussion, and announcements. Baronial decisions are made here, and you do have a voice.
Everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to attend the meeting!
Contact the Seneschal for details.

Newcomers’ Meeting

Once a month, usually on the 4th Monday of the month, 7:00pm
At Verdugo Recreation Center*  in Burbank, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank CA, 91505
(From Verdugo, turn North onto California and we are on the right hand side, half way down the block).
We meet at the stone tables next to the restrooms
These classes cover a general overview of the SCA and the types of events we hold in Caid. Please bring your questions and wonderful smiles. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Contact the Chatelaine for details.


Arts & Science Workshops (aka Craft Nights)

Occasional Meetings
Please check the Altavia Facebook group* for times. We regularly have meetings including covering many types of arts and sciences including but not limited to Scribal and working on Largess for Baronial Presentations. The meetings sometimes have a project theme, which is published on the Altavia Facebook group*

Contact the Arts & Sciences Officer for details, questions, or to teach a class.

Bardic Circle

Weekly Bardic Jams

  • Date/Time: Monday nights before fighter practice, beginning as 6:30pm at the stone tables
  • Location: Verdugo Park, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank, CA 91505, right hand side of the park near the tennis courts.
  • Singers, instrumentalists, and audience welcome!
  • We practice an eclectic mix of traditional folk music and some period pieces here and there, with the goal of performing at wars and other events
  • Hosts: Giachino Morone Lococo di San Filippo and Dame Briana MacCabe

Occasional Bardic Circles

Culinary Guild

Meetings happen once a month.
Special interest group for All Things Delicious to eat and drink.
Everyone is welcome in our discussions of recipes, historical research and events based around the food and beverages of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
For more information contact the Guild through their Facebook page*


Currently on Hiatus
Watch the Altavia Facebook group*, or contact the Arts & Sciences Officer for the latest information. See also: Belly Dance Practice

Youth Activities

Youth activities are currently on hold.
Contact the Youth Activity Officer  for information or offers to help.


Fighter Practice / Social Night

Every Monday, 7:00pm
At Verdugo Recreation Center in Burbank, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank CA, 91505
(From Verdugo, turn North onto California and we are on the right hand side, half way down the block).
Almost every Monday night we gather at Verdugo park for Fighter Practice and just socializing. Come on down and participate in the activities, hang out, bring a project to work on, or chat with fellow Altavians. Non-meeting days include Monday holidays and the few days we get rained out … updates about the Fighter Practice nights are posted on the Altavia Facebook page.
Contact the Chatelaine for details.

Archery Practice

Date – The 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday of the month
Time – 11:30am to 1:30pm
Location Woodley Park Archery Range

Contact the Captain of Archers for more information and for loaner gear.
Target Archery Handbook 
Combat Archery Handbook 

Armored Combat Practice

Every Monday, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
At Verdugo Recreation Center*in Burbank, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank CA, 91505
(From Verdugo, turn North onto California and we are on the right hand side, half way down the block).
Guardians of the High Road webpage
Contact the Heavy Weapons Marshal for more information or to request to join the practice.
Armored Combat Handbook 

Equestrian Practice

Third Sunday of the month 10am to 12 noon (Usually)
at Conejo Creek Equestrian Center: 1350 E Avenida De Las Flores, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
More practice info on our Equestrian webpage
Join the Darach / Altavia Equestrain Facebook group*
Contact the Equestrian Marshal to confirm each month’s practice
Equestrian Handbook 

Rapier Practice

Every Monday, 7:30pm to 9:30pm
At Verdugo Recreation Center*in Burbank, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank CA, 91505
(From Verdugo, turn North onto California and we are on the right hand side, half way down the block).
Guardians of the High Road webpage
Caid Rapier webpage*
Contact the Rapier Marshal for more information
Rapier Handbook 

Thrown Weapons Practice

The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, 11:00am to 2:30pm
At Woodley Park Archery Range*
Contact the Thrown Weapons Marshal for more information, to arrange for loaner gear, and to verify dates and times.
Thrown Weapons Handbook 

Youth Combat Practice

Twice a month – 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:30pm to 8:00pm
At Verdugo Recreation Centerin Burbank, 3201 West Verdugo, Burbank CA, 91505
(From Verdugo, turn North onto California and we are on the right hand side, half way down the block).
Guardians of the High Road webpage
Contact the Youth Combat Marshal for more information.
Youth Combat Handbook