Request for Letters of Intent — May 13, 2017Deadline for receiving Letters of Intent — August 1, 2017- Letter of Intent from THL Nikolaos Phaistos and THL Briana MacCabe published on website — August 2, 2017
Potential Candidate couples will be introduced — August 22, 2017 at the Baronial Council Meeting. Candidates should be prepared to give a brief statement and answer questions.Polling of the Populace of Altavia — will take place September through October 2017Non-resident Baronial members — Contact the Altavia Seneschal to be part of the polling
Announcement of heirs — Altavia/Angels Yule December 16, 2017- The Heirs, THL Nikolaos Phaistos and THL Briana MacCabe, will be invested as the 8th Baron and Baroness — Altavia Anniversary, May 12, 2018