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Caid Archery Open

WHEN: March 16th 2025

WHERE: 6100 Woodley Ave Van Nuys, CA, United States, California 91436

The Barony of Altavia Invites all archers and throwers of weapons to come to the Caidan Archery and Thrown Weapons Open to determine the Caidan Champions in Open and Period Handbow, Crossbow, and Thrown Weapons! Bring prepared for a long day of competition!
8am – Site opens
9am – Practice and list signup
10am – Opening Court
After Court Lists close and Competitions begin
4pm – Closing Court
5pm – Site Closes
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: $0! There is no registration cost for this event. Donations are welcome.
COMBAT SCENARIOS: The Archery competitions are double-elimination tournaments, with 1v1 Royal Rounds. The rules are basic. Each archer is paired like a fighting event. The only scores of concern during each round are between the archer and their opponent.
The Thrown Weapons competition is a single Royal Round, winner takes all.
SITE INFORMATION & RESTRICTIONS: This is a dry site. Projectiles and alcohol do not mix. Extra long stakes are needed when putting up pavilions or pop-ups. As a reminder, no pets are allowed inside of the range. Children are welcome, but must be supervised at all times by parents or guardians.
MERCHANT INFORMATION: Merchants are allowed within the confines of the range. Please contact the Stewards for merchant information and reservations.
EVENT STEWARDS: THL Merlin Wynn and Lord Geral de Riera

DIRECTIONS: Woodley Park is bordered by Victory Blvd on the North and Burbank Blvd on the South. The site is west of the 405 Fwy.
From the South: 405 Fwy North to Burbank Blvd exit. Go west on Burbank, turn right onto Woodley Ave. Head North, turn right on the road leading to the Japanese Garden. With the Japanese Garden on your left, head past the cricket field on your left. At the small traffic circle, veer to the right and head 3/4 of the way around the circle and exit to the north. The archery range is up the hill.
From the East: 101 Fwy North (which is actually heading west), transition to the 405 Fwy North, then follow the directions above.
From the North: 405 Fwy South. Go south to Victory Blvd., turn right (west) onto Victory Blvd, then West to Woodley Ave. Turn left onto Woodley Ave and left at the road leading to the Japanese Garden. Follow the directions above.

Angels / Altavia Yule

WHEN: Saturday, December 14, 2024 4pm-9pm
WHERE: First United Methodist Church of North Hollywood, 4832 Tujunga Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601Come join us one and all for a Wintery Celebration at the Altavia/Angels Yuletide Feast. This year, we are celebrating the Comforts of Winter. So Let It Snow and show us your best Winter Dreams and things that bring comfort on cold winter days and nights.
Pre-Event set-up 2pm
Site Opens at 4pm
Event Ends at 9pm
Site Closes at 10pm (must have everything cleaned up, put away and be off-site before 10pm)
All trash will need to be bagged and placed in the dumpsters. Let’s leave the hall better than when we found it.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Adult Event Registration $20. Adult Member Discount Event Registration $10. Youth 16 and younger are guests of the Barony. Cash and checks accepted at gate, make checks payable to “SCA,Inc./Barony of Altavia”.
CONTESTS/COMPETITIONS: Contests will include, but may not be limited to:
Angels/Altavia Bardic Champion (participants may declare for either or both baronies.) Bardic entrants, please limit your performance to no longer than 4 minutes
Chess Champion for Angels/Altavia
Best Table Setting
TOYS FOR TOTS: We will be collecting new unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots. Please bring a toy to help those less fortunate this year.
POTLUCK FEAST: The dinner will be Traditional Potluck Style. Please bring your favorite holiday dish to share. Please be sure to include an ingredient list for those with food allergies and bring serving utensils for your dish. (Power strips, and/or extension cords encouraged, if needed.) PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of the populace, if there is a sharp rise in Covid or any other issues arise, we will change the format of the Feast to Table / Household potluck. For your personal use, please bring feast wear, utensils, mugs, napkins, and bags to take your soiled Items home. The kitchen will NOT be available for dishwashing. A Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate service will be provided.Need a suggestion as to what to bring? The last name starts with — Potluck dish suggestion
A-E — Side Dish, F-J — Dessert, K-P — Main Dish, Q-Z — Salads or Breads. Again, this is just a suggestion. Need any additional help coordinating, please contact Lady Saystine at
SITE RESTRICTIONS: This is a NO Alcohol/NO Smoking site (including the parking lot).EVENT STEWARDS: Saystine Fojtik of Altavia and Rudolf Von Waldbruil of Angels
EVENT EMAIL:,, or rudolfvonwaldbruil@gmail.comDIRECTIONS:
170 South (from the North): Exit 6A Riverside Drive. Use the left lane to turn left onto Riverside Drive. Turn left onto Tujunga Ave. Turn right into the driveway before the Wesley School sign

134 East (from the West): Take exit 1C for Lankershim Blvd toward N Hollywood. Turn left onto Lankershim Blvd. Turn right onto Riverside Dr. Use the right 2 lanes to turn slightly right onto Tujunga Ave. Turn right into the driveway before the Wesley School sign

101 South (from the East): Take exit 13A toward Tujunga Ave. Turn right onto Tujunga Ave. Turn right into the driveway before the Wesley School sign

101 North (from the South): Use the 2nd from the left lane to continue on CA-170 N. Take exit 6 for Magnolia Blvd. Turn left onto Magnolia Blvd. Turn left onto the CA-170 S ramp to Los Angeles. Take exit 6A for Riverside Dr. Use the left lane to turn left onto Riverside Dr. Turn left onto Tujunga Ave. Turn right into the driveway before the Wesley School sign.

Parking is limited. Carpooling is encouraged. Please park in the south parking lot. The driveway before the Wesley School sign. Do not park in front of the church on Tujunga Ave. There will be a tree lot in operation, and the street parking is reserved for that church event.

Previous Events

Altavia Anniversary

When: Sat, May 11, 2024, 8am – 5pm
Where: Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342, USA
The Barony of Altavia welcomes you to our 41st anniversary! This glorious day celebrates all things William Marshall, one of the greatest knights of the Anglo-Norman period and perhaps of all-time, with a ransom tournament format. Calling all fighters, artisans, bards, and everyone else! All are welcome!
8:00 AM – Populace welcome and gate opens.
9:00 AM – Lysts Open
10:00 AM (or at TRM discretion) – Opening Court
30 Minutes following Court, Lysts Close
12:00 PM – Tournament begins – review format
12:30 PM-1:00PM – Round 1
1:00 PM-1:15 PM – Break
1:00 PM – Last call for A&S entries
1:15 PM-1:45 PM – Round 2
1:45 PM-2:00 PM Break
2:00 PM – Prize table opens
2:00 PM-2:30 PM – Round 3
2:30 PM-2:45 PM – Determine Finalists
3:15 PM-4:00 PM – Combat Finals
4:00 PM – Closing Court
5:00 PM – Site close
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Adult Event Registration: $25.00. Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15.00. Children ages 16 and under are guests of the barony. Please make checks payable to: SCA, Inc./Barony of Altavia. Cash and checks only will be accepted for this event.
SITE RESTRICTIONS/INFORMATION: There is no staking into the turf deeper than 6 inches and no driving on turf. No amplified music and no alcohol. Pets must be leashed at all times and picked up after. The park asks that we haul out all of our own trash. Trash bags will be provided. A site map will be forthcoming.
To our Baronial Cousins, if you plan on bringing your Baronial Dragonwing or Pavilion, please email with the dimensions so that space can be allotted.
ACTIVITIES: Activities of the day will include baronial champion tournaments for Armored, Rapier Combat, and Cut and Thrust. A baronial Arts and Sciences champion will be chosen. There will also be a gaming area as well as bardic performances.
SILENT AUCTION: The barony will be having a silent auction and a market of gently-used SCA items, with all proceeds to go towards the baronial fund. If you have any donations you would like to give, please contact
TOURNAMENT: The objective of the tournament (for BOTH combatants and non-combatant participants) is to amass as much “coin of the realm (coin)” as possible. At the start of the day, each participant will be issued 20 “coins of the realm.”
The event will feature the following activities (AKA “How can I make more coin?”):
• Combat – There will be one Lyst field each for Armored, Rapier, and Cut-and-Thrust combat.
• Ransom Negotiators – All combatants will require someone to negotiate ransoms on their behalf. See “Ransom Negotiators and Combatants – Settling a Ransom” below for details.
• Performances – You may wish to perform for the Crown or the populace. We all know how generous the people are when one gives a great show, so put out your hat and scoop up the coin!
• And so much more! Please see our website at… for more details on the tournament format.
ARTS AND SCIENCES: Calling all Artisans! Please come and share your artistic visions with us. The Arts and Sciences theme this year is Contracts, Promises, and Ransoms. That could mean representations of service to your barony, items that might have been ransomed, or love letters, favors, or anything that could show a bond between consorts! Express yourself!
BARDS! Come perform with us in our Arts & Sciences space! Our bardic space is open to all stories, songs, and various performances, period or not! This is not a competition, but you may earn coins for your art.
PRIZE TABLE: There will be a prize table! Come exchange your coin for prizes!
MERCHANTS: Merchants are welcome! If you are interested in merchanting, please email Morgaine at for space reservations.
EVENT STEWARDS: Dame Briana MacCabe and Lord Giacchino Morone Lococo di San Filippo


From the east: Take I-210 west to the Hubbard Exit and turn right onto Hubbard.
From the west: Take the I-210 east to the Hubbard exit and turn left onto Hubbard.
Follow Hubbard to Eldridge. Turn left on Eldridge and go to the first stop sign, which is Sayre. Turn right on Sayre and follow it all the way up the hill. As soon as you enter the gate into the park, turn right. Altavia signs will direct you.

Angels / Altavia Yule

Come ye all to make merry and meet new (and old) friends at Angels/Altavia Yule Feast. This year, we are celebrating cultures “Around the World”; that’s the theme of the event. So, be creative and respectful with your adventures in food, bardic, and clothing.

NOTE: The location for Yule has changed this year. It will be at St. Luke’s Episcopalian Church in Monrovia, California. Parking will be at the back of the hall.

Contests will include, but may not be limited to:
  • Angels/Altavia Bardic Champion (participants may declare for either or both baronies.) Bardic entrants, please limit your performances to no longer than 4 minutes.
  • Chess Champion for Angels/Altavia.
  • Best Table Setting

The dining will be picnic style. Groups of families and friends share one or two tables. Each table is responsible for its own food. Be sure to include a list of ingredients for any shared food. Remember to bring feast gear (plates, cups, utensils). There will be tables available for open seating for those who’ll make new friends.

More detailed info on the event is forthcoming.

Registration Information: The site fee is $15 for adults, $10 for adults with membership, and 16yo and younger are guests of the Barony. Checks payable to SCA inc. Barony of the Angels.

Schedule: Site is open from 4pm until 9pm (must have everything cleaned up, put away and be off-site before 10pm)

Stewards: Dame Gorandookkt Mamigonian, Baroness Fara Macgregor, and Baron Niko Phaistos

Steward contact:

Site restrictions: This is a No Smoking site (including the parking lot)


From 210 East: Follow signs for San Bernardino. Take exit 32. Santa Anita Ave to Arcadia. Take left two lanes to turn left on N Santa Anita Ave. Right on Foothill Blvd. Right on California Ave. Site is on the left.

From 5 North: Use right two lanes for exit 124 for I-605 N. Right at the fork. Follow signs for I-605 N. Take left two lanes for I-210 W to Pasadena. Take exit 35A to Mountain Ave. Keep right. Right on Mountain Ave. Turn left on Foothill Blvd. Turn left on California Ave. Site will be on the left.

Agincourt Tournament

Agincourt Tournament and Feast Sunday, October 22 2023, 8 AM to 4 PM

6331 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406

When: Sun. Oct. 22,2023. 8am-4pm

Tournament site: Woodley Park Archery Range
6331 Woodley ave Van Nuys Ca 91406

Feast : TBD

The Barony of Altavia invites you to join us at Woodley Park Archery Range for our Agincourt Tournament with thrown weapons, archery, and our fretted fork for cooking competition.

Archery and thrown weapons champions (adults, and youths) will be decided from the days competitors. If you’re planning on participating in thrown weapons, please wear closed-toed shoes.

Fretted-fork: Altavia’s culinary guild is hosting their fretted fork cooking contest. Come bring your favorite dishes. We will have period and non-period categories. In the period category documentation is not required but appreciated. Look for the theme information to be posted at a later date.

Schedule for the day:
8am — Site opens
10:00am — Opening court
3:30pm — Closing court
4:00pm site closed

Children are welcome, but must be supervised at all times by parents or guardians.

Pets are not allowed at the Woodley Park Archery Range.

Registration information:
Adult event registration $10 member discount, Non-members: $15. Youth under 16 are guest of the Barony. Please make checks payable to SCA Inc./Barony of Altavia

Merchant information:
Merchants are allowed within the confines of the range. Please contact the Stewards for merchant information and reservations.

Site Information and Restrictions:
Woodley Park is at 6331 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406 in the Sepulveda Dance Basin recreation area between Burbank Boulevard and Victory Boulevard.

This is a dry site. Projectiles and alcohol do not mix.

Extra long stakes are needed when putting up pavilions or pop-ups. As a reminder, no pets are allowed inside of the range.

Event Steward: Mistress Cecilia Medici

Directions to Tournament Site:
From the 405 North Route: Exit Burbank Boulevard, turn left, and then turn left on Woodley.
From the 405 South: Exit Burbank Blvd, turn right, take a left on Woodley.

Follow our SCA signs, continue past the cricket field, all the way up till you reach the traffic circle. Follow the arch around at left up the hill. Please note that parking is limited, but there is parking near the range and off off of the range behind the paved lot.

Feast information to be determined

Disclaimer: although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate exposure to infectious diseases during in person events by participating in the in person, events of the SCA you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. you agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Altavia Anniversary and Investiture

When: Sat, May 13, 2023, 8am – 5pm
Where: Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342, USA

Please check the facebook event page for updates.


After our long years of isolation, Altavia Calls for UNITY!!!

We call upon the populace to come together and embrace all our differences as the true strengths they are!  Calling all Fighters, Bards, Artisans, and Everyone Else!

Come Celebrate this extra-special day with us as we witness the investiture of Lord Griffith Von Bremen and Lady Amabel Radleigh as the 9th Baron and Baroness of Altavia.

Old Traditions and New Ideas, Make the SCA Strong!!

Registration Information:

Adult Event Registration: $20.00. Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15.00. Children ages 16 and under are guests of the barony. Please make checks payable to: SCA, Inc./Barony of Altavia. Cash and checks only will be accepted for this event.

To our Baronial Cousins, if you plan on bringing your Baronial Dragonwing or Pavilion, please e-mail with the Dimensions so that space can be allotted.

Location/Site Restrictions:

Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342. There is no staking into the turf deeper than 6 inches and no driving on turf. No amplified music and no alcohol. Pets must be leashed at all times and picked up after. The park asks that we haul out all of our own trash. Trash bags will be provided. A site map will be forthcoming.


Activities of the day will include baronial champion tournaments for Armored, and Rapier Combat.  A baronial Arts and Sciences champion will be chosen.

Fighters, Want an Extra life?  Bring some of your Art to share!

Altavia’ s unity Game will be Kubb.  Get ready for a cross barony show down.  We will also have other games on hand to play for those who wish to play.

Arts and Sciences (Including Bardic)

Calling all Artisans! Please come and share your Artistic visions with us. The Arts and Sciences theme this year is Unity!  So that means everything is welcome!!  Bring your in period, or out of period Art and passions to be seen!  Want to write up a mercenary contract? do it!  see if we can get the new Baron to sign it!  Have some lovely painted Warhammer figures?  Bring them!

This is the event to let all your geek flags fly!


Come express yourself with us!  The bardic/ performative portion is open to all stories, songs, and various performances, period or not!  We are not treating this as a competition.  Just an open space to share your Art and passions!

Silent Auction:

The barony will be having a silent auction and a market of gently-used SCA items, with all proceeds to go towards the baronial fund. If you have any donations you would like to give, please contact  Cecilia cybalcecilia@gmail


Merchants are welcome! If you are interested in merchanting, please email Morgaine at for space reservations.

Schedule for the Day:

8:00am: Populace welcome and gate opens.
9:00am: All lists open
10:00am: Opening court (at the discretion of TRMs).
All lists close 30 min after the close of morning court
1:00pm: Last of the A&S entries accepted
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Games and Bardic performances at A&S
4:00pm: Closing court (at the discretion of TRMs).
5:00pm: Site closes.


From the east: Take I-210 west to the Hubbard Exit and turn right onto Hubbard.
From the west: Take the I-210 east to the Hubbard exit and turn left onto Hubbard. Follow Hubbard to Eldridge. Turn left on Eldridge and go to the first stop sign, which is Sayre. Turn right on Sayre and follow it all the way up the hill. As soon as you enter the gate into the park, turn right. Altavia signs will direct you.

Event Steward: Saystine Fojtik, and Cecilia Medici, or cybalcecilia@gmail or

Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Angels / Altavia Yule

Holiday Songs and Stories!

Lost in the annals of time immemorial, the Ancient and Dread Barony of the Angels and their favorite off-spring, the Semi-Ancient and Sorta-Dreaded and definitely Fretted Barony of Altavia once again join together to celebrate the season! Come, bring your songs, stories, and self to our Annual Angeltavia Yule Celebration.
The Yule Feast! This year due to COVID restrictions, bring a meal and beverages for yourself or find friends to bring a shared meal for your table. If you do an individual table pot-luck, please provide an ingredients list on a 3×5 card for those with food allergies. Please also bring serving utensils and put your name on everything that you bring! Outlets for crock-pots will definitely be available, but the kitchen will not be available for cooking. All dishes should be brought completely cooked and/or ready to eat. If you’d like to do an individual table pot-luck and need help finding a table to join, please talk to their Excellencies of Altavia and we would be happy to play Yule matchmaker!”
Remember to bring your feast ware (plates, bowls, cups, silverware) and plastic bags to pack and take them home as there will be no dishwashing faculties.

We will have a competition for Best Table-Decorating! Please be aware that the tables are round and seat 6-7.

Please bring your banners to help make the hall festive! Please make sure that they can be hung, if possible.

The Bjeaux Tapestry will be on-site for whoever wants to be a part of its creation! Beginner stitchers are welcome!
The following Baronial Championships will take place: Altavia Chess, Altavia Bardic Champion, Angels Games, and Seraph (Angels) Bard Champion! The Baronial Bardic competitions will be held concurrently (i.e., contestants for either of the two Baronies will perform in one competition) then all results will be decided by consultation between the Barons and Baronesses. PLEASE keep your performances under FOUR minutes due to time restriction.
There will be a revel after the feast with dancing and games! There will also be children’s activities during the event.
We will be having a toy drive for Toys for Tots. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for donation, if you wish to participate.
  • 3:00 pm – Site opens to the populace. For those interested in table decorating, come early and get started. We will also have games available at this time.
  • 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm – Court, followed by the Yule Feast. Both the Angels and Altavia
    Bardic Champion competitions will be held during the feast.
  • 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Feast and Revel (games, dancing, and music)
  • 9:00pm – 10:00 pm – clean up
  • 10:00 pm – Hall closes and everyone must be off site.

Site Information:

  • The hall is a separate building behind the Church. Pull into either driveway. The parking lot is behind the Church and the hall is at the back of the parking lot.
  • This is a wet site!
  • Enclosed candles are allowed.
  • NO SMOKING whatsoever inside the hall and smoking of TOBACCO ONLY is permitted outside and away from the hall.
  • Pets are NOT allowed except for service animals.

Registration: Adult Event Registration $15, Adult Member Discount Event Registration $10, Youth aged 16 and under are guests of the Barony. Payment using cash and checks only will be accepted on-site. Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc./Barony of Altavia.

Event Stewards: Meliora Deverel, Honoree la Charmante, Crystal Cellian

Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.


Archery and Thrown Weapons Tournament

and Feast

Each year Altavia’s archery and thrown weapons champions are determined at the Agincourt Archery and Thrown Weapons Tournament. Her Grace Duchess Bridget Lucia Mackenzie has written The History of the Battle of Agincourt to give us background for this yearly event.

Sunday October 23, 2022:

Tournament: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Feast: 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Tournament: Woodley Park, 6331 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91406
Feast: St. Mary’s Proto-Cathedral, 5329 Sepulveda Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411

Theme:This year’s novelty theme for both the tournament and the feast will be Gnomecore / Autumn’s Bounty! Mushrooms, moss, acorns, gnomes, and all things cozy and wonderful!

Updates available on the FaceBook event page

Feast Info below the Tournament Info

The Barony of Altavia invites you to join us at Woodley Park archery range for our Agincourt Tournament with archery, thrown weapons, a silent auction, and our Fretted Fork Cooking competition!

Altavia’s Archery and Thrown Weapons Champions (adults and youths) will be decided from the day’s competitors.

Fretted Fork: Altavia’s Culinary Guild is hosting their Fretted Fork cooking contest. Come and bring your favorite dishes. We’ll have period and non-period categories. In the period category documentation is not required but appreciated. Look for theme information to be posted at a later date.

Silent Auction: There will be a silent auction for a 45 lb-draw bow and other fine archery and SCA-related items. Additional details on auction items will be posted online later.

Schedule of the day:

8:00 a.m. – Site opens
10:00 a.m. – Opening court
12:00 p.m. – Fretted Fork judging begins
4:00 p.m. – Closing court
5:00 p.m. – Site closes

Children are welcome but must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian. Pets are not allowed.

Registration Information:

Adult event registration, $10.00
Adult member discount event registration, $5.00
Children 16 and under are guests of the Barony
Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc. / Barony of Altavia.

Merchant Information: Merchants are allowed within the confines of the range. Please contact the Merchant Steward at for merchant information and reservations.

Tournament site information & restrictions:

Woodley Park is at 6331 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91406 in the Sepulveda Dam Basin Recreation Area, between Burbank Blvd and Victory Blvd.

Directions to Tournament site: Take your favorite route to the 405 and Burbank Blvd.

From the 405 North: Exit at Burbank Blvd and turn left toward Woodley.
From the 405 South: Exit at Burbank Blvd and turn right toward Woodley.
At Woodley, turn right.
– Look for a sign that bears the legend “Japanese Gardens.” Turn right towards the gardens.
– Just before entering the gardens, turn right on the access road that traverses the park picnic grounds.
– Continue along this road until you reach the traffic circle.
– The Archery range is on the left, up the hill.
– Parking is limited near the range, but overflow parking is available alongside the range, behind the paved lot.

This is a dry site. Seriously: this is a DRY SITE. Sharp projectiles and alcohol do not mix.
Extra-long stakes are needed when putting up pavilions or pop-ups.

No pets are allowed inside the range.

Event Steward: THL Cristofanus Castellani
Archery Marshal Email:
Thrown Weapons Marshal Email:

Feast Information

When: 4 p.m.-10 p.m.

Where: St. Mary’s Proto-Cathedral, 5329 Sepulveda Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411

Theme:This year’s novelty theme for both the tournament and the feast will be Gnomecore / Autumn’s Bounty! Mushrooms, moss, acorns, gnomes, and all things cozy and wonderful!

After a glorious day of archery, thrown weapons, and fun at the Altavia’s Agincourt Tournament please join the Barony at St. Mary’s Proto-Cathedral for a welcome back feast for our English archers (and French survivors!).
Bring your feast ware, table decorations, dancing shoes, games, and enjoy an evening of food and fun!

This is a wet site. Enclosed candles are allowed.

Please feel free to decorate your table! The tables are round and will be set up to sit 6 people.

Bring bags to take your dishes home with you at the end of the evening because the kitchen will not be available for washing your feast gear.

NO SMOKING on Church property. Pets are NOT allowed except for service animals.

You may also attend off-board (bring your own food), or for the revel only.

Here is the feast menu provided by Matlens and Giovanni:

  • Herbed goat cheese
  • Pickled vegetables
  • Marinated artichokes
  • Bread and butter (this item has gluten, we will provide an option for requests in advance)
First Course:
  • Dilled pork meatballs with figs and mushrooms in raspberry/ pomegranate sauce. (does have gluten)
  • Chicken thighs/leg quarters (depends on the price of chicken) in seasoned pomegranate almond milk.
  • Chickpeas with spinach (has chicken ingredients)
  • Winter squash with mushrooms, shallots, butter and sage
  • Italian almond cookies (almonds only, no gluten)
  • Turkish Honeyed Apricots filled with kaymak and pistachios
  • Poached Pears in spiced red wine sauce
Guests should bring feast gear.

Feast schedule:

8:00 a.m. – Site opens for cooks
4:00 p.m. – Site opens to the populace
5:30 p.m. – Feast begins!
5:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Feast and revel (games, music, and dancing)
9:00 – 9:45 p.m. – Clean up
10:00 p.m. – Site closes. Everyone must be off-site.

Feast registration information:

– Adult event registration, $22.00.
– Adult member discount event registration, $17.00.
– Children 5 years and under are guests of the barony

Pre-registration is required through
– Deadline to pre-reg for feast is October 15, 2022
– Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc. / Barony of Altavia

Off-board (no food), or revel only:
– Adult event registration, $10.00
– Adult member discount event registration, $5.00
– Attendees 16 years and under are guests of the barony

Directions to Feast site:

From the 101 (north or south): Take I-405 north, exit and follow the directions below

Going north on I-405:
– Exit on Burbank Blvd and take an immediate right at the end of the exit ramp, which is Burbank Blvd
– Take an immediate right at the next light, onto Sepulveda Blvd
– The Church will be on the right-hand side

Going south on I-405:
– Exit on Burbank Blvd and take a left at the end of the exit ramp. (Turning left from the right-most left turn lane is helpful)
– Take an immediate right at the next light, onto Sepulveda Blvd
– The Church will be on the right-hand side

Pull into either driveway. The parking lot is behind the Church, look for feast signs.

Event Steward: Lady Sibylla de Haze

Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Altavia Anniversary

When: Sat, May 14, 2022, 8 am – 5 pm
Theme: Altavia is calling all Scottish Clans!
Where: Veteran’s Memorial Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342

Updates available on the FaceBook event page

Altavia Calls for all Fighters, Bards, Artisans, and Everyone Else!

Altavia is calling all Scottish Clans! (That means everyone) So don ye best tartan and journey over to this year’s Highland Games themed anniversary event May 14, 2022! The Highland Games celebrate Scottish and Celtic culture, especially that of the Scottish Highlands. Along with all the classic marshal activities we will be having our own version of traditional Highland Games. So head on over to Altavia this May and make your Scottish Clan proud!

Something stirs within me
When I hear the bagpipes play
They reach down deep inside my heart
Whether close or far away
And as I stand and listen
Something happens deep inside
Their music flows into my soul
And fills my heart with pride
But something else is happening
Something you cannot see
For my heart begins to wander
and longs once more to be free
~ Author Unknown

REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Adult Event Registration: $20.00. Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $15.00. Children ages 16 and under are guests of the barony. Please make checks payable to: SCA, Inc./Barony of Altavia. Cash and checks only will be accepted for this event.

LOCATION/SITE RESTRICTIONS: Veterans Memorial Community Regional Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342. There is no staking into the turf deeper than 6 inches and no driving on turf. No amplified music and no alcohol. Pets must be leashed at all times and picked up after. The park asks that we haul out all of our own trash. Trash bags will be provided.

ACTIVITIES: Activities of the day will include baronial champion tournaments for armored, rapier, unarmored, and youth combat. A baronial Arts and Sciences champion will be chosen. Altavia’s Highland Games will include a caber toss, stone throw, hammer toss, shot putt, and tug o war these games have all been made especially so that anyone of any age who would can participate! The barony will also be having a silent auction and a market of gently-used SCA items, with all proceeds to go towards the baronial fund.

MERCHANTS: Merchants are welcome! If you are interested in merchanting, please email the merchant steward at for space reservations.

ARTS AND SCIENCES (INCLUDING BARDIC): Hail from the far shores of fair Scotland! Altavia calls for all bards, skalds, artists, and artisans who wish to join in celebrating our anniversary! The Arts and Sciences challenges this year are of a theme that is a wee bit different! In acknowledgement of the myths and legends of Scotland’s Fair Isle, the theme for the people’s choice competition is the Loch Ness monster, Nessie. How this takes shape in your art is up to the artist, with creativity of the theme always appreciated!

The bardic/ performative portion is open to all stories, songs, and various performances relating to Scotland and the Highland Games! In order for all that wish to perform to have time, please sign up at Gate upon arrival or contact Alessandra Gioielliere at prior to the event.

Schedule for the Day:

8:00 am:     Populace welcome and gate opens.
9:00 am:     All lists open
10:00 am:   Opening court (at the discretion of TRMs).
All lists close 30 min after the close of morning court
1:00 pm:     Last of the A&S entries accepted
1-2:00 pm  Bardic performance at A&S
4:00 pm:     Closing court (at the discretion of TRMs).
5:00 pm:     Site closes.


From the east: Take I-210 west to the Hubbard Exit and turn right onto Hubbard.

From the west: Take the I-210 east to the Hubbard exit and turn left onto Hubbard.
Follow Hubbard to Eldridge.
Turn left on Eldridge and go to the first stop sign, which is Sayre.
Turn right on Sayre and follow it all the way up the hill.
As soon as you enter the gate into the park, turn right. Altavia signs will direct you.

EVENT STEWARD: Lady Amber MacRae

DISCLAIMER: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Altavia / Angels Yule

When: Sat, December 11, 2021, 3pm – 10pm
Theme: The Arthurian Legends
Where: St. Mary’s Proto-Cathedral Feast Hall, 5329 Sepulveda Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411

Updates available on the FaceBook event page

The Baronies of Altavia and Angels would like to invite you to celebrate with us. Chivalry, Honor and a bit of silliness. Recreate the legend of Arthur, Guinevere and their knights. Whether it be 7th century Roman or 12th century English. Search for the Holy Grail. Take on the Knights that say “Ni”. Gather around the round table (literally). Eat and play with your friends for the first time in two years.
Wear your favorite Anglo Saxon, Roman, or whatever garb you think they would have worn.
We’ll feast and make merry with board games, music, and dancing!
The night’s contests include:
  • Best Table-Decorating: Tables are round and seat 8
  • Altavia Chess Championship,
  • Altavia Bardic Champion: The results will be decided by consultation between the Baron and Baroness. PLEASE keep your performances under FOUR minutes due to time restriction. Those interested in competing should arrive on site no later than 4:00pm, prepared to perform.
  • Angels may have a surprise or two as well.
The Yule Feast!
  • This year due to COVID restrictions, bring a meal for yourself or find friends to bring a shared meal for your table.
  • If you do an individual table pot-luck, please provide an ingredients list on a 3×5 card for those with food allergies.
  • Please also bring serving utensils and put your name on everything that you bring!
  • Outlets for crock-pots will definitely be available, but the kitchen will not be available for cooking.
  • All dishes should be brought completely cooked and/or ready to eat.
  • If you’d like to do an individual table pot-luck and need help finding a table to join, please talk to their Excellencies of Altavia and we would be happy to play Yule matchmaker!
  • Remember to bring your feastware (plates, bowls, cups, silverware) and plastic bags to take them home in as there will be no dishwashing faculties.
After the feast there will be a revel with dancing and games, and there will also be children’s activities during the event.
We will be having a toy drive for charity. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy for donation, if you wish to participate.
  • 3:00pm: Site opens to the populace. For those interested in table decorating, come early and get started. We will also have games available at this time.
  • 4:00pm – 6:00pm: Altavia and Angels’ Court, followed by the Yule feast. Altavia Bardic and Chess Champions will be held during the feast.
  • 6:30pm –9:00pm: Revel (games and music).
  • 9:00pm –9:45pm: Clean up.
  • 10:00pm: Hall closes. Everyone must be off site.
  • St. Mary’s Proto-Cathedral Feast Hall, 5329 Sepulveda Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
  • The hall is a separate building behind the church. Pull into either driveway. The parking lot is behind the church, and the hall is at the back of the parking lot.
  • This is a wet site
  • Enclosed candles are allowed
  • NO SMOKING inside the hall or on the church property
  • Pets are NOT allowed except for service animals
Registration information:
  • Please Pre-reg / RSVP using this link and reference the event as “Altavia-Angels Yule”
  • $15.00 Adult Event Registration for revel
  • $10.00 Adult Member Discount Registration
  • Children (ages 16 and younger) will be guests of the barony for the event
  • Cash and checks will be accepted at gate. Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc./Barony of Altavia
  • In conjunction with the Kingdom of Caid COVID Policy you will be required to show proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of an event start time from all event attendees. For more information please visit Kingdom of Caid’s COVID policy
Event Steward: Lord Griffith Von Bremen
Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Queen’s Champion Field Tournement

When: Sat, January 22, 2022, 7am – 5pm
Where: Veteran’s Park, 13000 Sayre St, Sylmar, CA 91342

Updates available on the FaceBook event page

Unto the populace of The Kingdom of Caid and the Knowne World
Consign this auspicious date, January 22, 2022, to your calendars!
Her Majesty invites all to join in a day of chivalrous display as the fighters of Caid battle for the honor of being Her Champions! Come one, come all to the fair Barony of Altavia where this glorious event will be held! There will be lists for heavy, rapier, unarmored, and youth combat.
To honor Her Majesty, heraldic displays celebrating the magnificence of Caid are most esteemed. Banners, standards, shields of all types are encouraged!
If your group would like to sponsor an Eric, please contact the event stewards at
Caid Fundraiser:
  • We’ll be holding a silent auction to benefit the Kingdom
  • Donations are welcome, but if you are bringing a lot of items, please contact Lynnette at
  • Payment is cash, check, or credit card (Credit cards will be used ONLY for the auction … REGISTRATION REQUIRES CASH OR CHECK)
  • Please come by and help support Caid.
Schedule of the Day:
  • 7:00am – Site opens
  • 8:00am – Populace welcome and gate opens
  • 10:00am – Opening court (or at the leisure of Their Majesties)
  • 15 minutes after opening court ends – Lists close
  • 4:30pm – Closing court (or at the leisure of Their Majesties)
  • 5:00pm – Site closes

Park Requirements:

According to the park regulations, we need to follow these rules:

  • No staking into the turf deeper than 6 inches.
  • No driving on the turf.
  • No amplified music.
  • We are responsible for removing the trash generated by the event.
  • Dogs are welcome but must be leashed and picked up after.
  • This is a DRY site.
Registration information:
    • Please Pre-reg / RSVP using this link and reference the event as: “QCJan222022”
    • $17.00 Adult Event Registration for revel
    • $12.00 Adult Member Discount Registration
    • Children (ages 16 and younger) will be guests of the barony for the event
    • Cash and checks will be accepted at gate. Make checks payable to SCA Inc./ Barony of Altavia.
    • In conjunction with the Kingdom of Caid COVID Policy you will be required to show proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of an event start time from all event attendees. For more information please visit Kingdom of Caid’s COVID policy
Merchant information:
    • Merchants are welcome!
    • Merchant Steward: Baroness Morgaine FitzStephen can be contacted at
    • The park is requiring 10% of each merchant’s gross income, which will be collected by Baroness Morgaine at the end of the day.
    • The barony is not requiring a merchant fee, but all attendees are expected to pay the site fee.
  • From the NORTH: Make your way to the 5 South, then take the 210 East towards Pasadena. Take the Hubbard St Exit. Turn left.
  • From the SOUTH and WEST: Make your way to the 118 East, then take the 210 West towards Sacramento. Take the Hubbard St Exit. Turn right.
  • Once on Hubbard: Follow Hubbard St to Eldridge Ave.
  • Turn left onto Eldridge Ave.
  • At the first stop sign, which is at Sayre St, turn right.
  • Follow Sayre St all the way up the hill into Veterans Memorial Park.
  • Altavia signs will direct you towards the event once in the park.
Event Co-Stewards: Mistress Cecilia Medici, THLady Amabel Radleigh
Disclaimer: Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.

Commedia dell’Altavia – Altavia Anniversary

Saturday, May 8, 2021 @ 11 am PDT

“Celebrate a Caidan Renaissance with Commedia dell’Altavia! The Barony of Altavia invites you to join us virtually for our Anniversary event on Saturday, May 8, 2021 for comedy, theater and fun as we joyously celebrate a new day with an Italian twist! Our commedia will be full of foolish and witty joys —just as the original commedia dell’arte in Italy was — living up to Altavia’s motto of “Theatre not Drama!”

The day’s online events will include such delights as fighting games, an arts and sciences competition to honor the beauty and skill of our artisans, and a bardic hall for performances of all types including, (in the spirit of His Excellency Niko), the opportunity for everyone to share your favorite dad jokes and inspirational quotes, and a Trivia Contest. There will also be a best non-virtual background contest and a Scavenger Hunt to intrigue and entertain. If you loved the last Scavenger Hunt then be sure and join us for a new and exciting version starting on Facebook on May 1st! Full instructions will follow shortly. The winners of the fighting competitions will be “Champions of the Day” and will receive special Facebook frames for display! For the Arts and Sciences competition, the entries must’ve been completed during the pandemic (but they don’t have to have been started within this time frame!) Your entries do not need to be on theme and documentation is encouraged. Artists will present their entries from 12:15pm to 12:45pm. The winner of the Arts and Sciences competition will be the new Baronial champion and will also receive a special Facebook frame for display!

In the week leading up to the main event, there will be several additional activities taking place on the baronial Discord server including a movie night on Wednesday, May 5th and a crafting get-together on Thursday, May 6th, where we’ll create Italian Renaissance sock puppets to be shown off during the event itself. Grab some old socks, fabric scraps, buttons, beads, and yarn!

We hope that you will join us for these and other fun surprises as we look forward to a new day for all of Caid!

Schedule of the Day:

11:00am Opening court and Scavenger Hunt begins.

11:45am “Fighting” competitions begin.

12:15pm – 12:45pm Arts & Sciences presentations.

12:45pm – 1:00pm Trivia Contest

1:00pm Bardic hall opens.

2:00pm “Fighting” finals.

2:30pm Closing comments and announcement of winners.

Event Steward: Mistress Meliora Deverel, email:

This event is sponsored by the Kingdom of Caid, which is part of the Society for Creative Anachronism. More information can be found on our website here:

The SCA prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a Seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.”

Angels / Altavia

“Hearth and Home” Virtual Yule

Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 4 PM

The Barony of the Angels and the Barony of Altavia invite you to join them for a combined virtual Yule celebration where the theme will be “Hearth and Home.”

The event will be via Zoom on December 12, 2020 and the festivities will begin at 4:00pm PST.

There will be Bardic and Games competitions and lots of activities for young and old including a costume contest (extra points for period “comfort wear”), a virtual background contest, a table setting contest, a feast presentation, and an at-home scavenger hunt, – all as we break bread together virtually in the comfort of our hearths and homes

Click here for a period menu for those of you would like to try it and present your results.

There will even be a visit from a very special guest from the North Pole!

We’ll again be collecting Toys for Tots. This year, though, we’ll be doing it virtually. Toys can be shipped directly to Toys for Tots, 2699 Paloma Street, Pasadena, CA 91107. New, unwrapped gifts for all ages are much appreciated. This year, they especially need things for older kids (11-14). Footballs and basketballs are always a big hit. We’re off to our favorite online retailers to do some shopping. Hope you will, too!

The event schedule will be as follows:

4:00pm – Welcome, chat, game rooms open, table setting, and background presentations for those wishing to enter the contests.

5:00pm – 5:30pm – Angels and Altavia Baronial Court

5:30pm – Bardic competition begins.

6:00pm – 6:15pm – Special visit from Santa Claus!

6:15pm – 6:30pm – Period menu presentations for those wishing to do so.

6:30pm – Feast begins! We will all break bread, toast each other, and share in the warmth of the season. Bardic entries will also be interspersed throughout our meal.

Zoom meeting details are posted in the Facebook Event

Court will be recorded and please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be videotaped and granting permission to have the video posted to social media channels. Event Steward – Mistress Meliora Deverel


Questions? Offers of help? Etc?
Contact the Seneschal

Questions about running an event?
Check out Lynnette’s Event Stewarding How-to Webpage