
Griffith Von Bremen and Amabel Radleigh

Baron Griffith Von Bremen and Baroness Amabel Radleigh at their Investiture on May 13th 2023

Altavia’s 9th Baron and Baroness

Griffith: Black and Red
Amabel: Blue

Fabric preferences:
Griffith: Linen and cotton (needs to breath)
Amabel: Linen and cotton (needs to breath)

Food preferences:
Griffith: Not too much cheese. Does not like anything spicy. No mint or raw onion. Likes: cherries, most fruit. All meats, electrolytes. Loves seafood.
Amabel: Loves dark chocolate, coffee, lemon flavored desserts, cheeses and breads. Likes meat that is not on bones and not fatty. No seafood or raw onion.

Griffith – None
Amabel – Shellfish (major) and raw onion (minor)

Gifts wishes:
Griffith: Trinkets to pay mercenary forces with (salt rations, non-monetary coin, livestock, ect.) Armor/weapon maintenance supplies to build the Baronial army (strapping tape, duct tape, rattan, foam, ect.)
Amabel: Starting equipment for newcomers (mugs, pouches, mugholders, belts, gloves, small basic sewing kits, ect.)

Regalia Wishes:
To be determined