William Marshal Ransom Tournament

William Marshal Ransom Tournament

Prepared by Giacchino Morone Lococo di San Filippo and Briana MacCabe

Rev 3/28/2024


The William Marshal Tournament Melee is a form described in the Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal.

This tournament celebrates, arguably, one of the greatest knights that ever lived, Sir William Marshal. In the tournaments during Sir Willam’s life, knights would fight one another and the victor would win a ransom from their opponent. Sir William was so good at these tourneys, he made quite the fortune!

Event Format

The objective of the tournament (for BOTH combatants and non-combatant participants) is to amass as much “coin of the realm” as possible. At the start of the day, each participant will be issued 20 “coins of the realm.”  

Schedule for the Day:

8:00am: Populace welcome and gate opens.

9:00 AM – Lysts Open

10:00 AM (or at TRM discretion) – Opening Court

30 Minutes following Court, Lysts Close

12:00 PM – Tournament begins – review format

12:30 PM – Combat begins

1:20 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch Break

2:00 PM – Prize table opens

2:00 PM – 2:20 PM – Final Round of Combat!

2:20 PM – 2:45 PM – Determine Finalists

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM – Combat Finals 

4:00 PM – Closing Court

5:00 PM – Site close


The event will feature the following activities (AKA “How can I make more coin?”):

  • Combat – There will be one Lyst field each for Armored, Rapier, and Cut-and-Thrust combat.
  • Ransom Negotiators – All combatants will require someone to negotiate ransoms on their behalf.  See “Ransom Negotiators and CombatantsSettling a Ransom” below for details.
  • Wager on the fighting
  • Performances – You may wish to perform for the Crown or the populace. We all know how generous the people are when one gives a great show, so put out your hat and scoop up the coin!
  • Service – Help a fellow traveler, provide service to the crown.  They may be generous!
  • And so much more!  See below for more details.


Rules of the Lyst
  • Combat will be run in 3@ 20-minute rounds.
  • There will be 3 large list fields. 1 for Armored Combat, 1 for Heavy Rapier Combat, and 1 for Cut-and-Thrust Combat.  Participants may fight upon any field they are qualified for.
  • Standard weapons forms and armor standards will be used on each field. No pole weapons.
  • All combat will be an “everyone on the field” variation of a bear pit. Single combat is declared by two individuals and they may fight.
  • Challenges may be declined.
  • All legal blows shall count as per Caid combat standards.
  • A person struck on the head, torso, or other valid “killing” blow shall be considered “Captured”. Once captured, BOTH combatants must exit the field to have their chosen negotiators settle the ransom. Once a ransom is settled, both combatants may return to the field. (see “Settling a ransom” section below).
  • There will be a break called after each round.
  • All participants are expected to conduct themselves honorably. Conduct such as throwing fights, targeting inexperienced fighters, and the like is not allowed.

Ransom Negotiators and CombatantsSettling a Ransom
  • Once a person is captured, both combatants must safely exit the field.

NOTE: Combatants may NOT negotiate their own ransoms. All combatants must appoint a non-combatant to act as their representative for the day.

  • Representatives will then act to settle the ransom. (A settlement guide will be provided to aid in the process, but is only a guide.)
  • Once the ransom has been agreed upon and paid, both combatants may return to the field.
  • Combatants must settle all ransoms. If they are unable to come to an agreement, the Crown will force a settlement.
  • If a combatant runs out of coin, they may NOT re-enter the field until they have acquired more coin (see Additional Activities below)
  • Negotiators may represent more than one combatant.

Determining the Baronial Champions:

Champions will be determined as follows

  • When combatants exit the field to settle the Ransom, the winner reports their win to the keeper of the lyst.
  • At the conclusion of the ransom tournament sessions, the top 4 winners in each discipline will advance to the finals.
  • Finalists will compete in a single elimination tournament, best 2 out of 3 passes.

  • There shall also be a “Young William” champion awarded to the person with the largest purse at the end of the day.


  • Do you play an instrument or sing? Perform and you may earn coin!
  • Set up a storytelling corner.
  • Entertain the masses in any way you can conceive!

Other ways to earn coin
  • Sell your wares (sell small trinkets or favors)
  • Teach a class or do a demonstration
  • Wagering on fights
  • Offer a service
  • Anything else that’s creative